Joey Scouts is your first section in Scouts. It’s for boys and girls aged 5 to 8 years and it’s all about fun!
Life as a Joey Scout is full of discovery and excitement!
As a Joey Scout you’ll be part of a Unit which is full of energetic kids just like you.
You’ll have a trained Joey Scout Leader who will look after you and plan fantastic activities for you and your Unit.
As a Joey Scout you’ll learn how to share and care while having fun with your friends.
Joey Scouts progress to the Cub Scout Section from 8 years of age, with this progression completed by their 9th birthday.
PLEASE NOTE: Our Joey Unit is operating at capacity.
We are seeking parents, guardians and/or members of the public to volunteer with our Group before accepting further youth members!
Further information for potential new Leaders is available from our Leaders & Adult Members page.
The Duty Statement for a Joey Scout Leader is available from here:
Joey Scout Leader Duty Statement
New Members are advised to read the Parent Information page prior to making contact with our Group.
Parents are also requested to read the Role of Parents in Scouting (Joeys) document as provided by Scouts Queensland (PDF 397KB).
New Members are requested to email our Group Leader prior to attending a meeting night:
General information and images on this page © Scouts Queensland and Scouts Australia
The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of Scouts Australia.